Showing posts with label capture packed geo. Show all posts
Showing posts with label capture packed geo. Show all posts

Tuesday, 21 January 2025

multi layers and props agents more info!

Bit of new info I learnt from this handy video
I was finding I couldn't layer my props previously. So I'd only be able to have a "hat" or a "sword" agent, but couldn't seem to combine them, despite their bindings being separate. The answer *seems* to be this.... bind all possible shapes! here's how we do it.

1 - use agent animation unpack to get a bind pose. I then timeshift it to frame 1 (you might use 1001) to remove time dependency

2- get all your geo and transform them to where you need them. Eg. sword at left hand, hat at the head positions

3- mergepack them all, and give them appropriate names

4- capturepacked geo, specifying each named packed prim + joint to capture to

5 - now in the agent layer you can specify multiple props/shapes and group them up.
 - note you no longer have to specify the joint in this node, as the props have bindings already
-remember to assign to default

Friday, 2 February 2024

simple rigging setups using kinefx


typical basic kinefx rigging for organicish shapes

simple rigid body FK rig. Key points are packing each rigid part, and using the capture packed geo node. make sure the skeleton points are at the desired pivot points.

basic setup here - line as a skeleton, isolate the FBIK controller points. the MATCH BY ATTRIBUTE setting is usually what makes things work! Also on the FBIK node, you might need to tweak the tolerance parameter.