Friday, 29 March 2019

2d zoom pan

ctrl alt rmb drag..
if there's an image plane, lock the camera movement

RBD Hard Constraints/Glue Constraints & Sanity check

hard constraints will read Force, Angle, Torque and Distance
Glue constraints will read Strength and Impact

Sometimes you will glue things together and they will still seem to come apart (when attached to something animated for example). Try solving the RBD Packed Object on creation frame - this MIGHT fix it...

Check your Constraint Network's "Overwrite with SOP" field if constraints are not being deleted correctly. It should only be active (value of 1) for the first frame of the simulation. Then it should go back to 0. Otherwise, it will constantly read in the constraints from the SOP level (ie. replacing it with vanilla untouched constraints)

Wednesday, 20 March 2019

RBD Clustering, an "update"

Instead of using the cluster attribute found in Sam's notes...

Add a primitve VOP to your constraint primitives.
Create a voronoi noise and promote the frequency to the top level.
Plug the output (dist1 is good) into a ramp float node and then mess around with the curve to create some interesting patterns (try adding noise to this), which will essentially operate as clusters.. Export this to Strength, or multiply it by a pre-existing value.

Friday, 8 March 2019

RBD, Constraints..Glue, fracturing. NAMES

Name attributes are the most important things when making constraints for RBDs.

Create a name attribute for your object/fractured pieces by laying down an Assemble node, without the Packed option enabled. Create your constraints with this geo (it will retain the Primitive Name Attribute, and pass it down to the Point level once you've used Connect Adjacent Pieces)

In another branch, use another Assemble node to follow up the previous Assemble node, this time with Packed enabled, but the others disabled. Now when you add your constraints to your DOP network, they'll be able to find the correct Pieces to attach to.

ALSO make sure your object names are all unique.
Names. Names. Names.

Another "quick" way to make rest lengths for your constraints is to do a Convert Line node just before the Primitive Wrangle (where you do s@constraint_name="thingy"). This is important for Hard Constraints.

A general rule for constraint types - Hard Constraints will provide overall flex between pieces.. Glue Constraints will keep the pieces all together.
Hard Constraints react to Force, Glue Constraints DO NOT.
Glue Constraints react to Strength and Impact. Hard Constraints DO NOT. *

*unless you tell them to in a SOP Solver - eg. if (@force>chf("breakThreshold")*@strength)
But this is you explicitly adding Strength into the mix... Could be any old attribute.

Wednesday, 6 March 2019

point deform tricks

The point deform node is very useful to wrap deform high res geo with lower proxy geo.
To help it along in the case of overlapping objects, you can offset the objects.
Create a  point class attribute for both the high res and proxies.
Then move the pieces both high res and rest-position low-res using @P+=i@class
The deforming proxy geo will stay "as-is".

By seperating the geo in this way you can avoid "some" intersections...

Monday, 14 January 2019

set animation curves to infinite, etc.

In the graph editor, right click the channel (eg. translate Y) and click Channels>Channel properties..
Here you can change the In and Out to whichever infinity-behaviour you'd like.

stick noise to geo

Something super simple and dumb that I'm surprised I've never used beforehand!

To keep a 3d noise value from,say, a point-vop sticking to Geometry, make a rest-position value before the object is meant to start animating. There is a handy Rest SOP for this.