Showing posts with label rbd. Show all posts
Showing posts with label rbd. Show all posts

Monday 27 January 2020

POP streams, for POPs or even RBDs.

Bit of a waffly post here.. mostly for my own ref..

I had a case where there were a bunch of colour swatch cards in a display case of sorts. They needed to fly out of their resting position, but also had to vibrate and wiggle a little before this.
For context - I chose to use RBDs & the Bullet Solver, packed primitives for all of this, as there didn't need to be any clothy/plastic Vellum defomations.


1) 10-15 frames run-up sim to settle
2) Cards gradually wiggle, not all at once.
3) Some cards shoot out of their position, not all at once.

The challenge is to effectively create an activation for the individual forces that effect the cards.

At first I was using the RBD-branded wind and fan forces - which did provide the necessary dynamic effect, but I couldn't figure out a way to use groups, or to trigger their activations on a per-packed-piece-point basis. These forces were connected one after another in a chain.

The solution is to use POP-Streams. In my case, we can plug this into an Rigid Body Solver (the 3rd input), as it already has a multi-solver, bullet solver and some other clever bits built into it.
We need to create a master POP stream with the rule set to include all the calculated points. You can/should initialise any values in this stream to account for any points that aren't picked up by the other streams. This might include making them active or not...
From this we can then connect secondary POP streams, each with their own rules and POP force nodes.

I tended to use the random stream option as a way to gradually and naturally add points to the stream.
Something I tried to get working was splitting streams one step further.. eg. A splits off to B ...but B then splits into C & D. This didn't quite go as planned.

I was trying to achieve a slow random addition to a stream/group and then for the cards to go either to the Left or Right, using POP forces. A bit of an inelegant solution, but I ended up creating two streams instead of B producing it's own two, (A divides into B AND C) using SOP bounding boxes. To achieve the random addition effect, I animated a threshold, which determined when the cards would activate. Each stream would then have its own POP forces. Much more control overall.

Friday 12 April 2019

removing RBD from a sim

Sometimes you need to remove an RBD from a sim completely. Eg, you're using a block to push something and then need it to get out of the way...

Make sure you have a group for it on SOP level. It will probably be a point group, as you're most likely using packed geo.

Now use a SOP solver in your DOP network. Attach it to a multisolver, alongside your Bullet/RBD solver..
Inside the SOP solver, blast the group that you created earlier. Use a switch node or some other timing device (you could use a point wrangle with removepoint I think)  to trigger the group's deletion.
Eg. Switch node  could use $F>1000. Here it will switch from "all the geo" to "all the geo minus the group" input.

Saturday 30 March 2019

constraints between two different objects refresh redux ultra

I've probably made a post about this before. Or I thought I did. .. anyway. I only make notes about things as I actually do them :) Repetition is the key to learning !

If you're trying to create constraints between two different objects, say a bunch of bricks and a big big of plaster wall you have to approach your primitive constraints generation a little differently than usual.
Normally you would put a Connect Adjacent Pieces node down and this would draw lines between your closest points. However if you were to merge the bricks and plaster together and do this, you still end up with lines being generated between brick bits and plaster bits..when all you actually want are the lines exclusively between brick & plaster. Whew.

To achieve this you have to hijack the name attribute of your brick and plaster geometry so that Houdini thinks there are only two names to connect between. Instead of having "brick01,brick02,brick03,plaster01,plaster02,plaster03" you will have "brick,plaster". that's it.
In a Point Wrangle(for packed geo) or a Primitive Wrangle(if you are working with unpacked geo) for each of your objects do something like this -


where objectA might be "brick", object B might be "plaster". Now merge these two mono-named objects together , promote the name  attribute to point level (if it isn't already) and apply the Connect Adjacent Pieces node to them. Now you should only see lines being generated between the two seperate groups of objects. Brick to Plaster. Plaster to Brick.
Finally you must bring back your original name, so use an attribute rename node for this..

Plug your nice sparkly constraints into the rest of your network!

Wednesday 20 March 2019

RBD Clustering, an "update"

Instead of using the cluster attribute found in Sam's notes...

Add a primitve VOP to your constraint primitives.
Create a voronoi noise and promote the frequency to the top level.
Plug the output (dist1 is good) into a ramp float node and then mess around with the curve to create some interesting patterns (try adding noise to this), which will essentially operate as clusters.. Export this to Strength, or multiply it by a pre-existing value.

Friday 8 March 2019

RBD, Constraints..Glue, fracturing. NAMES

Name attributes are the most important things when making constraints for RBDs.

Create a name attribute for your object/fractured pieces by laying down an Assemble node, without the Packed option enabled. Create your constraints with this geo (it will retain the Primitive Name Attribute, and pass it down to the Point level once you've used Connect Adjacent Pieces)

In another branch, use another Assemble node to follow up the previous Assemble node, this time with Packed enabled, but the others disabled. Now when you add your constraints to your DOP network, they'll be able to find the correct Pieces to attach to.

ALSO make sure your object names are all unique.
Names. Names. Names.

Another "quick" way to make rest lengths for your constraints is to do a Convert Line node just before the Primitive Wrangle (where you do s@constraint_name="thingy"). This is important for Hard Constraints.

A general rule for constraint types - Hard Constraints will provide overall flex between pieces.. Glue Constraints will keep the pieces all together.
Hard Constraints react to Force, Glue Constraints DO NOT.
Glue Constraints react to Strength and Impact. Hard Constraints DO NOT. *

*unless you tell them to in a SOP Solver - eg. if (@force>chf("breakThreshold")*@strength)
But this is you explicitly adding Strength into the mix... Could be any old attribute.

Tuesday 15 August 2017

Shattering an animated object. Eg. flying saucer smashing into something

Say you want to make a moving object smash into bits. Eg. A flying saucer that's been hand animated, which then needs to break apart dynamically.
As usual this isn't going to be straightforward :)

Shatter and pack geometry as usual, only what we need to do is ensure the points are not active. You can be double sure by laying down a point wrangle and setting i@active=0;

In your DOP network, make sure the RBD is not an active rbd as initial state. Set it to deforming static object. This should be done in the drop down menu. Now if you hit play, the object should not simulate at all & only follow it's given animation. "Overwrite Attributes" is NOT ticked.

We will use a sop solver & a point wrangle within to set the active value to 1. I've found using an activating shape like a box to set points into a group (using the bounding option) works best for this. eg. the saucer rbd points don't become active until they pass through said box. The attribute "deforming" (an integer) must be set to 0 once the "active" value switches to 1. This is so it no longer animates, or as Houdini refers to it, "deforms".
We use a sop solver so that the active value stays at 1 and doesn't reset to 0 once it passes through the activating shape. What we also need to do is use this sop solver in conjunction with the Bullet solver. This is done with a multi-solver.

Things I've found that are a bit problematic are glue constraints... Will look into this.
Update on glue - 

Houdini 16.0.504.2 has a weird thing... The Constraint Network's "Overwrite with SOP" attribute's default value is supposed to only import the SOP on the first frame...but it seems to behave as if it's always importing it. As a result, set it to 0 (zero), so that the animation of the object is ignored. This seems to make the glue constraints work properly.