use instancefile to access geo saved somewhere...
in a point wrangle -
now with the geo node, you gotta add the instance tab and turn on fast instancing.
use instancefile to access geo saved somewhere...
in a point wrangle -
now with the geo node, you gotta add the instance tab and turn on fast instancing.
I can't believe I've never used @scale....
@pscale is useful for uniformly scaling the instance/copied object onto a point. But what if you need to adjust the scale on a per-axis basis?
this will scale the object by 2 in the Y, and 3 in the Z
woop woop
Say you have some points and you want to instance an object from disk to them..
in a point wrangle-
create the input box and type in the path of your object eg: c:\dave\ball.obj
beneath the point wrangle, add an instance node. ta da!