Bring in crowd from obj using SOP Crowd Import node (here it's still packed agents). Create Instanced SkelRoots is preferred I think
Stylesheets don't work with Karma/Solaris (as far as I know!) To target props/shapes in a crowd you're best off using Collections. Here we're making collections of the hammer prop.
The syntax is %reference:/path
In the example it's %reference:/crowd/agentdefinitions/ball/shapelibrary/l_hammer
In the example it's %reference:/crowd/agentdefinitions/ball/shapelibrary/l_hammer
Here's the stage scene outliner thing
Assign the materials to the collection by typing in the name. Eg. %hammer
Be sure to expand the Material Binding and tick Include Descendant Primitives in Collection
You might have to change the Strength to Stronger or Weaker than Descendants too.
I couldn't see a good way to access point attributes (eg. per agent float/int values) but Material X does read them - so I guess use switch RGB and stuff like that?
This seems to be the user data equivalent-
Just plug em in like this - just like Arnold
And ta da...attributes and collections targeting different bits of a crowd!