It's possible to make a piece of geometry, pump it through a PointVOP and give it some velocity, using constants, curl noise or whatever method you like.
Then convert the polygon to a VDB, using the V point attribute. Name the field "vel".
Within POPs/dynamic network use an advect with volume operator. The defaults should keep the velocity's affect within the volume created.
If this doesn't work as expected you might need to use a Geometry Wrangle (within the POP/Flip/dynamics)
Using the code below, you'll want to set the 2nd input (in the input tabs) to the velocity volume created earlier.
vector vel = volumesamplev(1,0,@P);
v@force += vel * ch("scale");
v@a = vel;
Basically we're affecting the velocity via a force, rather than adding directly to it - to avoid overly strong changes in velocity. We also have extra control with a scale slider & the "a" attribute is a little debug value to watch out for in the Geometry Spreadsheet.
Note - you might have to really crank up the velocity values, depending on the current velocity of the existing particles/fluid/whatever.
*NOTE* The Geometry Wrangle should be plugged into the particles tab of the solver! (2nd one)