Friday, 26 November 2021

baking textures with Redshift

This youtuber explains how to bake lightmaps... Textures is a very similar process

The key points.. I will do a proper write up later.
Tick "bake rendermaps" in your Redshift Rop.
Ensure the object you're baking is specified in both the Rendermap & Objects tabs
The baker will just bake whatever it is given - so for noise/triplanars, you might want to make a new material with just that node pulled in, using a material merge. Or you might want to pull in the whole diffuse colour etc.
For bumps/float values, I use a "Color maker" node as an "out" null.. Nulls don't seem to behave. (could be wrong on this)

oh - and make sure in the IPR tab of the rop, IPR Progressive Rendering is turned OFF.

oh oh - remember to put the objects and/or lights you might want to be baking into the usual objects bit of the ROP!

Tuesday, 9 November 2021

Wednesday, 3 November 2021

switch node or blending transforms at object level

If you need to switch or blend between two (or more) null transforms, eg to parent an object use the BLEND OBJECT. Kinda simple, goes to show how much I work at SOP level ha.

You'll probably want to use the Sequence mode, with "Shortest Path Rotation Blending" ticked, to avoid weird flipping (depending on what and how you're blending stuff)