Monday, 6 March 2017

CHOPs: Some things.

  • To create more channels in Noise, you'll want to change the Channel name in the Channel tab to blabla[0-100]. This makes 101 do the usual (n-1) amount. You can then have a seed per channel by using the $C token in the seed field.
  • It's actually fairly annoying to blend animations in CHOPs. Create a channel and make animation curves that go from 0 to 1 in order & multiply these against other curves to activate/deactivate them.

Saturday, 4 March 2017

Add this to your Houdini.env file to get Redshift working...

PATH = "C:/ProgramData/Redshift/bin;$PATH"
HOUDINI_PATH = "C:/ProgramData/Redshift/Plugins/Houdini/15.5.565;&"

Friday, 3 March 2017

Reorient joints

Simply rotate the bone (might be best to do this in the bind pose frame) to the orientation you want & hit the Align Capture Pose button in the Rigging shelf. Remember to clean the rotations out of the joint and adjust the child-bones too (maybe there is a way to fix a joint without affecting it's children? un parent first maybe)

Update - the bracketed suggestion works.. remember to turn on the Keep Position When Parenting when you detach though...

Switch between world/local/screenspace transform on widgets

Press M